Another great week alongside our wonderful students! Don’t forget about our upcoming Fundraiser night over at Bounce Empire in Lafayette. You may purchase tickets here. Have an amazing weekend wildcat families!

It is time to start getting ready for the Black Rock Elementary Spelling Bee! The first round of the Spelling Bee will be a written spelling test. Second, third, fourth, and fifth graders will take the test with their classroom teacher during the weeks of January 8th – 19th. Kindergarten and first-grade students who wish to take the pre-test will be given the opportunity to test at 8:45, Monday, January 22nd, in Mrs. Blick’s portable. All students will be given the same first-round test created with words from the Scripps National Spelling Bee 2023-2024 Study List. The test will consist of words from the attached list of words for first through eighth grades. The final round will be a traditional Spelling Bee held after school on Monday, February 12th. The winner of our school’s Spelling Bee will go on to the Scripps Colorado State Spelling Bee in March.

Plastic Bottles
Plastic containers
We are also looking for volunteers to help support projects. Please check out the volunteer form here if you are interested.
Thank you,
Erin Blick

Volunteer sign up, click here.

Kiss-n-Go Procedures:
Guidelines for dropping off students in the Kiss-n-Go lane and parking lot use:
The Kiss-n-Go lane is designed for drop-off only. Drivers should not exit the car or park in this lane at any time.
Students should exit the car from the passenger side to avoid traffic on the left. Students who need extra time to exit should have parents park in the lot and walk students through the crosswalk.
Please pull forward as far as possible (this includes going past the stop sign and the first sidewalk). Moving forward as far as possible allows us to get more cars in the lane and off of Forsythia Street.
Dropping off children in the parking lot is prohibited. Dropping off in this area is unsafe, slows down the flow of the cars in the Kiss-n-Go, and creates congestion in the parking lot. Parking in the lot and walking with your child is allowed.
Please only park in designated parking spaces in the parking lot. Please reserve the handicapped parking for those with designated placards/plates. (Parents often utilize the pool parking lot and walk up the sidewalk when parking spots are unavailable.)
Please do not cut into the line from the passing lane. This does not increase the flow of traffic but it does increase the risk of an accident.
Do not allow your child to exit the car while you are in the passing lane.
Once your child has exited your car, please progress through the lane to the exit. Do not wait and allow your car to block others from being able to drop off.
Above all, please be patient. The process will work if parents are patient and follow these guidelines. We have to trust that parents will work hard to do their part and follow the rules to ensure student safety as they are dropping them off.

The half year insurance fee is now available in Infinite Campus. As new students enroll, the student should automatically be assigned the DTS: 1:1 Tech Insurance S2 ONLY 12.50 fee with an expiration date of two (2) weeks. Parents have two (2) weeks to pay the fee before it is automatically voided.
You may also offer the half year insurance to current students who did not opt into insurance in Fall 2023. However, you will need to inspect the iPad first to make sure it is in working condition before offering the insurance.
Spring 2024 Insurance: $12.50

Silver Creek Dance Team is hosting a Mini Raptors Clinic on January 27th. See the flyer attached! They offer reduced prices for students who qualify for Free and Reduced lunches. Athletes will receive a t-shirt, bow and learn choreography to perform at a basketball game!
Here is a link in case it doesn’t work from the image: https://stvrain.revtrak.net/r1#/f/schs-mini-raptors-dance-clinic

Please come out and support Erie High School basketball as they are halfway through their 2023-2024 seasons!
Youth get into games free on 1/25 and 2/10. See the full schedule at the link below. Go Tigers!

Also find a fun video with some more information on our Erie feeder schools here.>>

Please click here to view a more detailed version of the school lunch menu.
We are still collecting milk caps from the Longmont Dairy.
Purchase Black Rock spirit wear here.
The PTO is putting together a voluntary directory for parent contact information. Sign up here.
Sign up for the Volunteer Email list, click here.
There is a form to submit New Business for PTO Consideration: here.
Sponsors This Week

Upcoming Events
Monday – Tuesday, January 29th-30th – 4th Grade Field Trip
Wednesday, January 31st – 2nd & 3rd Grade Music Choir Concert
Friday, February 2nd- 9th – Spring Book Fair
February 5th- 8th & 13th – Parent Teacher Conferences
Tuesday, February 6th – Save the date: Bounce Empire private event for Black Rock the night before February’s late start day.
Wednesday, February 7th – Late Start: Spirit Day, Wear Red to Support Heart Health
Monday, February 12th – Black Rock Spelling Bee
Friday, February 16th – Teacher Compensation Day: No School
Monday, February 19th – Presidents Day: No School
Tuesday, February 20th – PTO Meeting
Wednesday, February 28th – 5th Grade Field Trip