Black Rock Weekly Newsletter

Some of the amazing pieces created by Black Rock students displayed at the Unframed art show.

Have a great long weekend WildCats!

Hello Black Rock Families,

We have an increasing number of kids (and parents) walking to and from school as our weather warms up. 

It is crucial for parents to drive safely in school zones and parking lots, especially during pick-up and drop-off times when there is a lot of activity. 

Here are a few tips to ensure safety:

  1. Be mindful of the 20mph school zone speed limit.
  2. Watch for pedestrians, especially kids.
  3. Signal all turns.
  4. Avoid distractions like phones.
  5. Give yourself extra time.
  6. Yield to pedestrians and crossing guards at crosswalks.
  7. Park safely in designated spots.
  8. Above all, please be patient.

Thank you for helping keep the school zones and parking lot safe for our families!

Sherry Carter,


Black Rock Elementary

Proposed 2024 Bond Initiative, Learn more here.

    Don’t Forget to Order This Year’s School Pictures (individuals only)

    ENJOY 10% OFF your order! CODE: S2410OFF EXPIRES: December 31, 2024

    Redeem Now

    Individual pictures have been sent out, class pictures have been processed and will be sent out at a later date.

    Order your yearbook here today!

    Please click on the following links for important information regarding MMR immunization from the CDHE

    Important vaccine information can be found here.

    Please RSVP on the following link here.

    Fitness Underground Fundraiser on Saturday, May 4th.

    Staff Appreciation Week is coming May 6th – May 10th.

    We are still collecting milk caps from the Longmont Dairy.

    PTO Board Elections will be at this month’s meeting. Let us know if you’re interested in joining the Board.

    You can donate free money to Black Rock every time you shop at King Soopers. Just link your Sooper Card to Black Rock through their Community Rewards.

    Purchase Black Rock spirit wear here.

    The PTO is putting together a voluntary directory for parent contact information. Sign up here.

    Sign up for the Volunteer Email list, click here.

    There is a form to submit New Business for PTO Consideration: here

    STEM Summer Opportunities

    STEM Night and Student Design Guild

    The STEM Night and Student Design Guild at the Innovation Center focuses on activities for preschool and elementary school-aged children and is scheduled for Tuesday, May 7, 2024 from 4 pm to 7 pm.  STEM Night will highlight different STEM activities for students, including learning what it’s like to participate in our many divisions:  Aeronautics, Bioscience, Computer Science / Cybersecurity, Design and Virtual Reality, Entrepreneurship, Robotics, and Studio/Video Productions.  

    The Student Design Guild, hosted with the STEM Night events listed above, provides students with an opportunity to identify relevant problems and showcase their solutions to an authentic audience.  Students can use the Design Thinking Process, the Scientific Method, the Engineering Process, or any other problem solving process to become deep thinkers about the world around them.  

    Student Design Guild Informational Flier

    Student Design Guild Rubric for Students

    Summer Opportunities at the IC

    Over the summer we will have opportunities at the IC for students who have completed Kindergarten through high school.  Most camps are one week in duration, but there is one two-week program, Innovation Academy, available to students currently in kindergarten, first or second grade who will be rising 1st, 2nd, & 3rd graders this summer.  In addition, we have several other “Super STEM” camps for K-5 students. Registration for all summer camps is now open 

    Innovation Center Summer Opportunities K-12

    Student Design Guild: The Student Design Guild seeks to create experiential learning opportunities that transcend the traditional classroom and engage the entire community in STEM and design work.  In this Student Design Guild, teachers can support their students on a design journey, either in the classroom, or by providing information to parents for students to work independently at home. See the attached flier for details. Teachers can have their entire class participate, or even just a small group. Students can participate independently at home, or invite a friend to work on your project with you!  Please contact Kristen Brohm, Director of STEM Education at the Innovation Center,  for more information.  Anyone can enter! 

    Student Design Guild Informational Flier

    Student Design Guild Rubric for Students

    Super STEM:  Looking for interesting camps for your child?  Check out Super STEM and Innovation Academy for offerings for your elementary/middle school-aged child.  Check us out at or click on the link: Innovation Center Summer Opportunities K-12

    We will continue to update our menu when we receive the lunch options for the week of May 20th-23rd. Please click here to view a more detailed version of the school lunch menu.

    Sponsors This Week

    Upcoming Events

    Friday, April 26th – NO SCHOOL

    Wednesday, May 1st – Late Start – Tropical Day

    Wednesday, May 1st – Lost and Found items will be laid out before school.

    Friday, May 3rd – 5th Grade Field Day

    Saturday, May 4th – Fitness Underground Fundraiser

    Wednesday, May 8th – 2nd Grade Field Day

    Friday, May 10th – Shakespeare in the Park

    Tuesday, May 14th – 5th Grade Field Trip

    Tuesday, May 14th – PTO Meeting

    Thursday, May 16th – All School Field Day

    Quick Links

    Black Rock Elementary School