We were excited to gather for the annual end-of-year picnic. Throughout this school year, we have experienced many opportunities for learning and creating lasting memories. Wishing everyone a fantastic summer break and looking forward to the new school year ahead.

Purchase Your School Kits HERE!!
Note from the PTO :
These school kits have been crafted using the SVVSD 2024-25 School Supply List. Though they are on the list, we’ve made all headphones OPTIONAL. Many families reuse the same headphones year after year, this allows us to keep the cost of the kits down. But if you need a pair, just add them to the basket.
Each kit has a pre-selected $4.00 donation. Because we renewed the program early last year, each package has already been discounted $1.00 on top of the savings we get from their bulk purchases. Please consider leaving the $4.00 donation checked, or even adding more. Your overall cost should still be less than shopping retail on your own.
Want to add more? If you click on the heart and the dollar sign next to the donation in your cart, you have the option to add a larger donation for our school.
All school supplies that are ordered in time to be shipped to the school directly will be received by the PTO, organized, and delivered to the classroom before the back-to-school night events that are not yet announced.
The dates are as follows :
5/20 Sale Starts – YAY!
6/28 Last day to order a kit that can be shipped in bulk to the school
7/17 Sale Closes – if you order between 6/29-7/17, these kits can be shipped to your home, still saving time and building our donation total, but you’ll need to bring them to school in the traditional way.
Any questions over the summer, feel free to email or text me.
Our goal is to sell more than 200 kits!
You can donate free money to Black Rock every time you shop at King Soopers. Just link your Sooper Card to Black Rock through their Community Rewards.
Purchase Black Rock spirit wear here.
The PTO is putting together a voluntary directory for parent contact information. Sign up here.
Sign up for the Volunteer Email list, click here.
There is a form to submit New Business for PTO Consideration: here

Space-Available: Join Innovation Academy this Summer!
Students who will be entering first, second, and third grade are invited to attend year 15 of Innovation Academy, hosted at the Innovation Center and taught by St. Vrain educators and high school students. Innovation Academy fosters a foundation of critical thinking through inquiry-based learning and creates a community of learners who will think globally and collaboratively to develop innovative approaches to problem-solving. Join us in June for two fun-filled weeks.
Learn more and register for Innovation Academy

Register for 2024-2025 Transportation Services
St. Vrain’s Transportation Department is dedicated to consistently delivering excellent service for our students and their families and we are currently preparing for the upcoming school year. If you are interested in having your child ride the bus for the 2024-2025 school year, please apply for transportation services as soon as possible. St. Vrain’s Transportation Department makes every effort to accommodate as many eligible riders as possible. Apply for transportation services online.
Visit Transportation Services online to learn more about eligibility requirements.

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