The countdown begins! Our first day of school for grades 1st-5th is Tuesday August 13th, 2024.
If you need to report an absence, please do so here.
If your student is still in need of supplies, please click here to view this years school supply list:
2024-2025 English Supply List
2024-2025 Spanish Supply List
2024-2025 school lunch information can be found here.

To apply to the education benefits form (formerly known as free and reduced lunch), please click here. If your family qualifies, this can help reduce school year fees.

Kiss-n-Go Procedures:
Guidelines for dropping off students in the Kiss-n-Go lane and parking lot use:
The Kiss-n-Go lane is designed for drop-off only. Drivers should not exit the car or park in this lane at any time.
Students should exit the car from the passenger side to avoid traffic on the left. Students who need extra time to exit should have parents park in the lot and walk students through the crosswalk.
Please pull forward as far as possible (this includes going past the stop sign and the first sidewalk). Moving forward as far as possible allows us to get more cars in the lane and off of Forsythia Street.
Dropping off children in the parking lot is prohibited. Dropping off in this area is unsafe, slows down the flow of the cars in the Kiss-n-Go, and creates congestion in the parking lot. Parking in the lot and walking with your child is allowed.
Please only park in designated parking spaces in the parking lot. Please reserve the handicapped parking for those with designated placards/plates. (Parents often utilize the pool parking lot and walk up the sidewalk when parking spots are unavailable.)
Please do not cut into the line from the passing lane. This does not increase the flow of traffic but it does increase the risk of an accident.
Do not allow your child to exit the car while you are in the passing lane.
Once your child has exited your car, please progress through the lane to the exit. Do not wait and allow your car to block others from being able to drop off.
Above all, please be patient. The process will work if parents are patient and follow these guidelines. We have to trust that parents will work hard to do their part and follow the rules to ensure student safety as they are dropping them off.
PTO News

Kindergarten Meetup Sponsored by the Black Rock PTO
Meet your teacher during the Kindergarten back-to-school night and then head out back to the preschool playground area to meet other kindergarten families. Meet the teacher is anytime between 4 and 5:30pm. Looking forward to seeing you all there!
You can donate free money to Black Rock every time you shop at King Soopers. Just link your Sooper Card to Black Rock through their Community Rewards.
Purchase Black Rock spirit wear here.
The PTO is putting together a voluntary directory for parent contact information. Sign up here.
Sign up for the Volunteer Email list, click here.
There is a form to submit New Business for PTO Consideration: here

Register for 2024-2025 Transportation Services
St. Vrain’s Transportation Department is dedicated to consistently delivering excellent service for our students and their families and we are currently preparing for the upcoming school year. If you are interested in having your child ride the bus for the 2024-2025 school year, please apply for transportation services as soon as possible. St. Vrain’s Transportation Department makes every effort to accommodate as many eligible riders as possible. Apply for transportation services online.
Visit Transportation Services online to learn more about eligibility requirements.

To view a more detailed version of our breakfast/lunch menu, please click here.
Upcoming Events
Monday & Tuesday August, 12th & 13th – Kindergarten Transition Days
Tuesday, August 13th – First Day of School For Grades 1st – 5th
Wednesday, August 14th – Kindergarten Teacher Placement at 10 AM Through IC
Wednesday, August 14th – Kindergarten Meet Your Teacher 4:00 – 5:30 PM
Thursday, August 15th – First Day Of School – Kindergarten
Monday, August 19th – First Day Of School – Preschool