Parent teacher conferences are coming up on September 30th. Please reach out to your students teacher if you have not set a time to meet. Have a wonderful weekend wildcats!

Parents can order at using the Event Order Number EVTN2QH4V: or they can order using their student ID numbers

Please click here to access an electronic version of the Code of Conduct for the current school year. After you have reviewed this information, all families must sign an electronic acknowledgement that they have received, read, and understand the information contained, including the Annual Notification to Parents/Guardians; Behavioral Code of Conduct; Rights and Responsibilities of Students and Parents; and Board of Education Policies book. To sign your electronic acknowledgement, please follow the steps described here.

Gifted and Talented Referrals

Each year, schools in St. Vrain Valley School District complete a process to identify students who demonstrate exceptional ability or performance in one or more academic areas and may, therefore, qualify for Gifted/Talented educational services. These students usually perform at least two years above grade level in their strength area(s), and they require additional academic challenges in order to support their continued educational growth and progress.  In addition, they usually demonstrate characteristics of unique creativity and high motivation in their strength areas.

Referrals are open through the month of September and will close on the last day of the month. Referrals after that date will be addressed on a case by case basis. Completing a referral guarantees a review of the student profile to determine if testing is recommended for the student. The process for identification requires a body of evidence and often takes place throughout the school year.

The process takes approximately 5-10 minutes to complete.

Emily Harlow:

Link to the Referral form

Calling all Black Rock Families! Our Fall Scholastic Book Fair is coming up Sept. 30th -Oct. 4th.  The kids are super excited and we can’t wait to see what Scholastic has in store for us this fall, but we need your help.  Please consider volunteering here in our library during the fair.  The more volunteers we have, the better service we can provide our students and their families.  They say it takes a village and this is never more true than during our Book Fairs.  If you are able to share some time with us, please click the image above or sign up here. 

Also parents, please consider setting up an ewallet for your child. This is a great way to help your kids participate in the fair without having to keep track of cash, checks, or cards.  Through eWallets, you have the opportunity to preload money into a personal account that can be deducted from your account as your kids check out.  It’s super easy!  For more information regarding eWallets and to view our schools Book Fair Website, click on the image above or click here.  

Dine to Donate: Panda Express Join us for our Dine to Donate event at Panda Express on September 27th from 9:30AM to 10PM. It’s a great way to support our students while spending time with family and friends. These events are very helpful to our fundraising goals! When: September 27th from 9:30AM to 10PM Where: Panda Express: 16816 Sheridan Pkwy, Broomfield, CO

Be sure to show the fundraiser on your phone or use code 379269 when you order, whether dining in or taking out. Every meal helps! Thank you for your continued support. We look forward to seeing you there!

Does Your Erie Student Qualify for Free/Reduced Lunch at School?

If so, they are eligible for Erie UpLink’s Tiger Packs program. Tiger Packs contain kid-friendly, nonperishable food items and are delivered to the students’ doorsteps once per month on the Wednesday prior to school breaks to help bridge the food gap for those kids who normally receive free breakfast and lunch at school. Parents can sign up online at:

*Registration must be resubmitted each school year

PTO News

You can donate free money to Black Rock every time you shop at King Soopers. Just link your Sooper Card to Black Rock through their Community Rewards.

Purchase Black Rock spirit wear here.

The PTO is putting together a voluntary directory for parent contact information. Sign up here.

Sign up for the Volunteer Email list, click here.

There is a form to submit New Business for PTO Consideration: here

St. Vrain Valley Schools Hosts Annual Musical Instrument Drive
Donate gently used musical instruments to support St. Vrain Valley Schools’ music program during our annual collection drive. Drop off your contributions at the Lincoln School building at 619 Bowen St. in Longmont on Thursday, Oct. 3 (12:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.) or Friday, Oct. 4 (9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.) and receive a donation receipt. Your generosity enriches our classrooms, provides instruments for students, and enhances our district’s music programming.
Click to learn more.

To view a more detailed version of our breakfast/lunch menu, please click here.

Upcoming Events

Wednesday, September 25th – Individual Student Picture Day

Friday, September 27th – 1st Grade Field Trip

Friday, September 27th – Dine to Donate – Panda Express

Monday – Tuesday Sept. 30th – Oct. 1st – Parent Teacher Conferences

Tuesday – Wednesday Oct.8th – Oct. 9th – Parent Teacher Conferences

Thursday, October 10th – Dine to Donate- MOD Pizza

Friday, October 11th – Teacher Comp Day: No School

Monday, October 14th – Non Student Contact Day: No School

Tuesday, October 15th – PTO Meeting

Thursday, October 17th – Second Grade Field Trip

Friday, October 18th – Kindergarten Field Trip

Friday, October 25th – Trunk or Treat 5-7 PM

Quick Links

Black Rock Elementary School