Congratulations to Rylee M. our 2024-2025 spelling bee winner and to all the students who participated in our spelling bee this year!

Join us for Black Rock Bash! Order your tickets here!

Help us celebrate KINDNESS WEEK by participating in Student Council’s Kindness Campaign! One act of kindness can make a big impACT!

Join Us for Kindergarten Family Literacy Night, Feb. 19
St. Vrain Valley Schools invites kindergarten families to an engaging evening focused on supporting early literacy. Hosted by members of St. Vrain’s Priority Programs and kindergarten teachers, this event will provide valuable insights into the Colorado READ Act, strategies to strengthen early reading skills at home, and digital tools that enhance literacy growth.
Kindergarten Family Literacy Night will take place on February 19, from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m., at the Timberline PK-8 Community Room. Childcare and Spanish interpretation will be available.
Visit the website to learn more about Kindergarten Family Literacy Night

Click here and use Yearbook ID Code 15163125 to place your order now!

Help keep our students safe!
As part of our ongoing efforts to maintain a safe environment for our students, we kindly ask that parents/guardians and visitors refrain from waiting in the bus loop area or using it as a shortcut across school grounds during school hours. This helps us maintain a safe and focused learning environment for our students throughout the day. If you are volunteering, please make sure you have checked in at the front office and have your visitor sticker visible. Additionally, please do not pull personal vehicles in the bus loop area between 8:15 am and 4:00 pm. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

Join us on Zoom, Feb. 20 from 5-6:30 p.m.
Adolescent RISE with Nicholas Thompson, Licensed Clinical Social Worker
Adolescent RISE is a presentation that takes a fun and informative look at the developmental period of adolescence (ages 10-25). It includes debunking myths about adolescence, understanding the four qualities of adolescence (risk taking, identity formation, social reorientation, and emotional intensity), and learning about the tweenage brain. With this foundation established, ways to better support our kids will be discussed.
Please register online to assist with planning purposes.
Learn more about St. Vrain’s Parent University and register for upcoming events

You can donate free money to Black Rock every time you shop at King Soopers. Just link your Sooper Card to Black Rock through their Community Rewards.
Purchase Black Rock spirit wear here.
The PTO is putting together a voluntary directory for parent contact information. Sign up here.
Sign up for the Volunteer Email list, click here.
There is a form to submit New Business for PTO Consideration: here

To view a more detailed version of our breakfast/lunch menu, please click here.
Sponsors Of The Week

Upcoming Events
Friday, February 14th – No School Non-student Contact Day
Monday, February 17th – No School (Presidents’ Day)
Tuesday, February 18th – Kindergarten Field Trip
Saturday, February 22nd – Camp Discovery
Monday, February 24 – School Health Advisory Council Meeting (Library)
Friday, February 28th – 1st Grade Field Trip & Kids Heart Challenge Envelopes Due
Saturday, March 1st – PTO’s Black Rock Bash
Tuesday, March 4th – K-2nd Music Concerts
Wednesday, March 5th – Late Start Day